Skincare Sidekicks

Skincare Sidekicks

Dull. Flaky. Discolored. Scurvy. Agitated. 
Just a few terms that describe my irritably sensitive yet hardheaded (more like blackheaded, lol) skin. Cue 8th grade, otherwise known as 'The Year of The Breakouts'. And I'm not referring to Miley Cyrus's album 'Breakout' (although that album is still my jam), I'm referring to the dedicated sebaceous glands that clogged my pores which resulted in whiteheads and utter embarrassment. I can recall a specific (and horrific) time in middle school when a bored and foolish teenage boy stirred up a rumor that the pimples on my upper lip were actually herpes...tragic, right? After days of moping home crying, smearing my makeup deeper into my already suffocating pores, I began to research....

To read more about how Franklin & Whitman helped end Amber's search click here

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